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Where does your donation go?

Every donation matters...


£1 pays for a bereaved child to make a friendship band made with coloured thread. Each colour is picked by the child to remind them of the people who are there for them on a difficult day.

£2 enables us to provide a child with a memory jar full of coloured salt. Each colour represents a special memory. Children are encouraged to think about their special memories of the person they have come to remember and to link a colour to that memory. This gives them time and space to reflect on the memories of the person who has died and a tangible way to hold on to their memories if they are worried that they may start to forget the person who has died.

£5 covers the cost of a special scrapbook for the child or young person to use to save their memories.

£10 pays for a memory box and decorations for a child to make at a workshop. The memory box can be used to keep safe their mementoes of the person who had died.

£50 will fund the books we give to children and young people at our workshops. The books have special messages in them. These might reassue young people that they are not alone or that their special person can live on with them in their heart and in their memories.

£250 allows a child or young person to attend a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Workshop. Parents/carers come too so they can support their child through the process led by professional practitioners.

£2,500 allows ten children to benefit from a Memory Day session where they can be supported with the bereavement of someone close to them.

£3,500 allows us to run a specialised 2-day Forest School workshop for a dozen children bereaved by suicide, enabling them to be amongst others with a shared experience to have fun, relax and make friends.